The Door of LIfe

                   The Bird Physician

                   The Bird Physician


The physicians that are coming here: some of them are acupuncturists, some of them are gardeners, some of them are teachers.  Not everyone who is studying here is going to have a needle in their hand. There is a very ancient promise that was given to human beings: to stand between heaven and earth and praise what is holy. The intelligence that makes a caterpillar perfect. People are coming here to learn how to treat people at the root again. To interact with each other at the root. Look through all the makeup in our time. Most of us are pretty afraid, afraid of each other, afraid of what is happening.  We’re not sure what to believe in. We don’t respect our leaders.

What are the essential conversations and are we having them? And can we speak to each other again?  In Taoist Medicine… cannot begin to restore health without respect for what they call the Mandate of Heaven. The map of what it is to be a human being, and how we go wrong.  We were brought here to sing. The trees sing. The oceans sing. The ants sing. It is sound. It is resonance.  It is music that connects fleas and dogs, rain and soil. The human heart is able to participate in this song of life in a very particular way. This old tradition of acupuncture guards this Door of Life, the place where we can hear the songs of heaven and earth. Today I wrote down the point on each channel that is the door of life for each organ in the human body.  The Gate of Life, Middle Palace, Welcome Fragrance, Receive Tears, People Welcome, Hard Bargain. We don’t even bargain anymore. Think of all the things that happen when you bargain.  Hidden White, Great Enveloping , Utmost Source, Listening Palace, Kunlun Mountain, Bubbling Spring, Heavenly Pond, Heavenly Window, Wind gate, Gate of Hope. These are in each and all of us. These are in the unseen worlds that we are. We aren’t just muscle and bone and blood. A human being is unbelievably magical. A human being that remembers where they came from is the most powerful transmitter of energy on the planet. One individual human being.

This medicine is bringing people in our town back to their lives. The soul can be restored to its position of praise.  The miracle is in all of us. There are certain acupuncture points, when they open, Antiquity is touched, and the ancestors come alive in a person. They are no longer alone. We are starving for that level of intelligence. We are lonely because we are not in these conversations, the deep and resounding intelligence of Love.

Carl Jung said it was the most powerful force in humanity, the longing to waken, the song of the soul.  Such a point of awakening is Pericardium 1, Heavenly Pond.  It is where we each, at birth, are brought to first.  The light of Heaven at the mother's breast. Yes the colostrum is very important. But what is more important is the light of the Divine, the Shen that comes through that point when a baby first suckles. The baby goes through separation, the trauma of the birth. It is in this light that a baby knows they belong here. This light that has the smell and taste of their mamma. This light of One.  And the ancient text says that the sun takes a bath in this Heavenly Pond every morning before it rises. The sun itself is purified, in order to shine the light of the divine. This is inside of one human being, this understanding of how the cosmos is relating to itself all of the time... February 2015